One project down…

I emailed the final draft of my research proposal to my professor last night.  You'd think I'd be over the moon to be done with it, but I was awake all night thinking of things I could have changed, added, etc.  This professor sends serious feedback with assignments so that's part of the reason I fret so much about things that I submit to him.  I don't just get a grade, I get a looong email that starts with "Some things in your assignment were very good."  Then he basically rips the rest of it apart.  Sometimes after reading his comments I wonder why he gave me a B+ or A- instead of a C or D.  I guess I don't take constructive criticism that well…  😉

Well, now I have one more final project to do, and I'm free until the second summer session in July.  After that, I'm done with grad school!!

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